God forbid a girl want what she can’t have (Please tell me about your fictional crushes in the comments!)
Mephistopheles, Old Man Coyote, Death? Or perhaps…?
Why do you think other games like DBD eventually fail?
B.J. "Terror Billy" Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein)
What if we got a DBD Chapter where The Entity was like "Fine, I'll do it myself"
The redemption
Posts about paraphilia
Peter, please help me.
Not sorry
In hindsight I could have waited till I was out of the room
the way this sub is addressing paraphilias is atrocious (read comments)
Some of yall don't actually understand ocd
We need to talk about Eurylochus
Live Action Hookfang from the latest HTTYD live action trailer isn't a bad but design it lacks the originality of the original animated Hookfang had
The spears are terrible
To be fair talking to the brick wall.would be easier, the brick wall won't accuse me of lying
spoofball actin sus!!! 😱😱😱
So many variations now…
Spirit Add Ons
Oda has two daughters so it makes sense
Let Dwarf women have beards!
Everyone is a monster, but I value some monsters over the other
Why does that even exist
Who is this?