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Man enjoys “prank-calling” people and telling them that their loved one was killed
19M I am an army medic, love my job, and I’m high on life. Take me down a peg.
what's some rich thing you do even though you are not rich?
People who left secondary school, what's life like?
You can make a random person in the world go crazy and try to kill you through any means possible
This is gonna be weird but what's ur go-to curse word? That one default word u never fail to use
if you use « 🥺 » or « 👉👈 » stay tf away from me
I think this guy might belong here
Bro I have literally dont have a single friend. Literally I never get any texts or asked to hangout.
[Story] i finally went to the gym today
How to i stop ripping the bit of my belt where the buckle goes into
[PI] You're a superhero, you would consider yourself C-list at best power-wise but the greatest superhero team in the world keeps calling you back to help with big villian disasters. Oddly enough your memories of each event are vauge at best. one day you figure out why
What is the greatest Irish song of all time?
Teenagers menace
I wish I was dead
Every time you take a Dump, there will be 3 Gnomes waiting outside the Bathroom Door to congratulate you
you can bring someone, including yourself, back to peak physical health by punching them in the crotch
Trying to create a playlist of songs from The Office. Here’s what I have so far. Any other suggestions?
What are some good books/movies/shows about spiritual awakening
Vegan good
Nicknames for Eirinn
I created this wallpaper, WALLPAPER RIIIIIICK!