At All Costs by David Weber
Alternate Generals edited by Harry Turtledove
Wheels of Fire by Mark Shepherd & Mercedes Lackey
Davey is one of my all time favourite episodes but Reddit seems to disagree. Is this episode regarded as bad by the fandom??
Gavin’s Confusion
Early seasons
Customer soap dispenser at the gas station bathroom
Found Gavin’s glory hole
This is lock screen check post. Drop your lock screen wallpapers.
Struggling with hope
blindsided after 2 weeks
how to stop wanting to message my ex?
I’ve never been this anxious
My now boyfriend feels that I am still in love with my ex as I always cry whenever he wants us to talk about what happened and led to the breakup
Why does it seem like my ex completely changed as a person since our breakup (I met up with him) ?
Have any of you gotten into a new relationship shorlty after a divorrce?
Should I try to talk to her
Considering breaking no contact
She cheated on me and treated me like shit post break up. Still I want her back.
Need advice
did she move on too fast?
It’s possible to love again after heart break
Day 57