Are London-people cold, or is it the whole UK?
Unfortunate name
tell me your favorite starter
All achievements unlocked!! What was your toughest one?
Skeledirge, Gyarados and Excadrill are the most popular casual challenger picks Day 2 of categorizing the most popular party mates in Pokerogue. Top three in 24 hours are added. Who do regular challengers flock to?
Which commuter city to London is best?
Moving to UK
Moving to England
Ultimate carry move
Make it multilens!
Kings rock and multiple hit moves
Favourite passive ability?
Heckle training
Backtest for reinvesting dividends and taking out dividends
Who’s a comedian that is known more for their work outside of standup?
A stand up that’s sad or depressed.
Saw Jerry Seinfeld live, he recycled most of his act
Did not see this coming.
Poland and Ukraine explaining how they solved the grain debacle:
Let’s play a game.
Whats up my Palantards?
Weeeee! Riding the Tesla slide :D
Never go full Elon
Hey guys, I just made this. Thx.
Why I'm shorting Western Union after Q4 Earnings