This Sana Khan needs to stop!!
We’re doomed! 🤬
This Year Feels Cursed for Relationships… Stay Alert!
আফশোস হয়
Ekta Confession, Suggestions needed
Re-living the sensation on the big screen
🏦 SBI Clerk Prelims 2024 | Shift & Attempt Sharing Megathread 📢
শুভ আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস
People who go alone to the exam venue, where do you keep your belongings?
What can Go Wrong in a Bengali Wedding
The only legit Maharaj I found on Social Media, have been an avid follower of him and has helped me in my life to be strong 🙏🙏
Agreeing with the awkward on this one
"Jamana has reached Atul Subhash, the movies are still stuck in the same place as they were 15 years ago."
Gave IBPS PO interview yesterday, when to expect final result?
Samay Raina is busy playing chess in all the drama 😭
How are their respectives carrers going to be affected by this whole controversy?
"BuT YoU aRe Just a BAnglaDeshi Kanglu 🤓" - some random north indian guy to bengali people
What's your opinion about this?
Fuchkar daam koto tomar area te???
In laws asking for a boy baby - not pregnant yet
How to make friends here.
Beerbiceps is gonna get summoned by the Parliament now 😭
Could this be a planned attack by some Bollywood Production companies.