Recommended scope magnification for 10 - 50 yards?
You're no match f.. (BOINK!) [KCD2]
What is your favourite shotgun in gaming?
Weird growth on my Avocado Seed
Network Error Has occurred
FX DRS 700 pro .25 . This thing is picky when it comes to ammo
I'm now officially Dutch
His Majesty’s pile of funny rocks
Average male shoe size shows the truly superior nations of Western Europe 🇦🇹🇩🇪
Babe wake up, new pizza just dropped
We need to get rid of it
[KCD2] forget the horses , this is the way to get around.
WTF are these?
Dropping blocks in the oceans to help marine life
New FX DRS tactical
The mummy tomb that had been sealed for 2,500 years, discovered near Cairo
Brand new Vevor Hand Pump leaking somewhere in the line despite tightening everything. Need help.
Type of "fitting" on Kral PCP rifles.
BSA R-10 SE .22 or Kral arms jumbo Hi-Cap
Is it worth buying?
Trump threatens retaliation against UK over tax on tech giants
UPDATE. For those who care. I am currently on my 9th cycle trying to fill up this 6.8l tank with my vevor compressor . Y’all weren’t kidding about it taking forever or it will burn out 😓. I’m gonna keep pushing and if it burns out it was for science.
Accounting for inflation
How to place barbwire