I trapped my neighbors cat and sent it to the local shelter
AITA for telling people i'm still going to drink at a bachelor party.
Getting tossed around projects
Nexus Guardian Task time
“Research shows that employees with ADHD tend to be less productive” work stigma
I've lost my mind
Why is it harder to edit through something that's already written vs. Writing something totally new?
The Trifecta Appears to be Completely Useless!
What was your nightmare class?
Do people with ADHD "always" need noise/stimulus?
AITA for asking for the dog to be put in another room after being jumped on
AIO girlfriend response to manager text
AITA because I cried when my partner wouldn't get me pads?
I would honestly hate having to walk a dog outside everyday.
Flagged for copy/paste
I passed N+
AITA for Not Being Okay With My Husband (22M) Expecting Me to Split His Life Insurance Money With His 3 Siblings If He Dies?
what do you do with poop?
Dog Keeps Digging Holes In the Yard! How to make her stop!?
ADHD Medication taken by partner
AIO? Not staying the night at my new bf’s house with his pillow situation.
Do people think IT is easy to get into?
How you can get to T3 ?
Journalist Seeking Outlier Workers for Article Interviews