What are these I’ve always wondered
my stickers just came in the mail
Eridan cardboard cutout i literally just finished!
Troll cardboard cutouts!
Dolls 👌
Savior of the waking world. ❤️
Repping the Leijons at a Sydney Cosplay event
whittlestuck (I whittled some ult dirk and karkat mini statues)
Literally cringed when I pulled this off the shelf 💀
Based teacher?
I had no idea they took JSR off the Steam Shop, I feel like I’m sitting on a golden egg
2 days, a pack of hot glue sticks, so many burns, and a lot of pain - He has been brought to reality
Should I cosplay god tier jade or just regular jade
I wore this Kandi out to the mall and some other stores yesterday. A girl who worked at the toy store I got my plushies from said “you a fan of homestuck?” I was shocked lol😭 at a kid’s toy store shocked me
Does anyone know the source of this video?
Does anyone know some games like superhot
Help finding a traced image of dirk praying to rainbow dash with a katana next to him in a dimly lit concrete like abandoned building.
No idea if This had been posted before but found this old number my friend has been reading for school.
Is this normal on Wand Wizard
midnight crew fans wya
Introducing; Doki Doki Quadracures!
Feferi cosplay!! 38D
Brazilian testicle