A behind the scenes photo from the Fellowship of the Ring
Hey! I’m of Russian origin but living abroad for 17years. I’m looking for anyone who is interested in improving their English speaking skills✨😊
Как современные дети видят NFS Underground 2 vs каким моё поколение его помнит
Знакомства после 30
Best way to get from Tbilisi to Batumi?
Border run to Turkey, looking for advice
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Lady in China cleans up a pasage way in the mountains of leaves and garbage that people leave there.
How are you all incorporating AI into your iOS workflow?
Excel твой любимый
I built an app that lets you virtually travel the world!
An application that uses a microphone to diagnose lung disease.
Никакой ошибки тогда нет, все правильно.
Asking the real question
Таков тысячелетний закон жизни, и не смертным подвергать его сомнению
Questions for Apple engineers
Открыл новый квест в Ведьмаке 3.
Dead Pope Hammer
Прошел Олег, завяли помидоры.
И че там с газом
Voter Empowerment App Idea