Curious about tripping in an abandoned building
Tried to masturbate but couldn’t😔(day 25 post op)
When did you guys first masturbate after op ?
When did u start losing hypersensitivity?
Day 22, does vasaline or ointments still promote healing ?
Just got circumcised today
IG: Ricktattoodesigns
Attempted a portrait in oils, thoughts?
Hello friends
Movies about youth and expression tattoos, piercings, sex ??
Shishimai flash design💛
Is 5 weeks post op to early to have sex ?
when does the stitch pain go away
trying out new styles!!
Showering with soap
Day 5
Day 17 post op, my bacitracin is running out could I use Vaseline instead ?
For anyone who had ppp removal, how did it go ? How was the recovery process after ?
When to go back to work?
new portfolio sheet!
Finished another one today, tried something a bit different
Some designs
Isitbullshit: medical grade Manuka honey ointment for healing wounds?