I bought a box of screws... One didn't have any threads.
AITA for Not Wanting to Host My Friend’s Wedding at My Farm?
My FIL grilled steak and lobster on his newish grill
Talk me out of this car
They call this a “Hot Hamburger” in Pennsylvania
ELI5: wth is a tfsa and why is it important??
ELI5: If there are allegedly thousands of pieces of space junk in outer space, why is none of it ever visible in pics NASA takes?
Chicken wings: Drums vs Flats
First time in Texas HEB
Crazy dreams after quitting smoking weed
Hot Damn Pepper Seed Giveaway. FREE Seeds! 18 Strains!
If band names were taken literally, which concert would be the absolute worst to go to?
Why are you on reddit on Christmas day?
This double oven at my parents house.
What's a toy that was huge for a while but ended up being a fad?
F**k your F**k Cancer bumpersticker
Which kitchen machine for ramen soup?
Home in Canada for Xmas. Merry Chip-mas.
Companion planting in containers?
ULPT Request: How to Intentionally Fuck Up a Dinner Party??
Christmas celebrated on Christmas Eve (gifts and all) is way better than gifts in the morning
Salsa with cucumbers!?
Burning oil/tire smell while test driving new 2024 Bronco
Yamadai Sugomen instant noodles from Japan 6 gift box I picked up at my local Asian supermarket
Frustrated looking for a luxury 4 seat sports coupe