Real starting pay?
Lost my Job.
Question about being called in on my day off
We deserve more
UPS strike = Big wage increase for FEDEXERS??
Bruh I’m already having a bad day
If you could choose one single offense to blacklist a house for and prevent them from ever getting another package delivered what would it be?
What’s your take home pay? (ground)
Driver pay
Happy Thursday
Weekly Railroad Hiring Questions Thread
Is CSX hiring slow for anyone else?
Say hello to my little friend lol. I get 200 box's like this a day all heavy
You see this in the warehouse one morning, wyd?
Bye Bye Chewy
FedEx Box Trucks
Why is everyone so against unionizing?
I am driving 50 miles to my local FedEx at 12.50 an hour. Should I quit?
What shoes do y’all wear?
How many stops per hour do you do?
One of the many things I see on my route.
If you had the chance to change one thing at fedex ground what would you do?