Rada Al saran here ask me anything
I hate it stupid fucking face, I hate it message it poetrayed, I hate how it look, I am sick of seeing it face and did i mention i fucking hate it?
Try to become a superhero
Who do you currently consider to be an a tier ? Be real
I wonder what they have to say about recent even--
What tier would you put these two in
Are woman gooners as annoying as male gooners?
I don’t know what to put for a title
Why the fuck doesn’t Bulma make her own cell/ androids or literally any sort of earth defense system
Here I guess
People really calling it Klankaklan now 😭
Why do people say Gohan "never trains and gets power for free"? Sure, he doesn't train a LOT, but he definitely does try to work out whenever he can. We know he's been training ever since he got cooked by Freeza.
How long back do shens memories go?
What are some other principles you think shen knows?
Gonna eventually do a full post on all the stuff I think shen can do but for now here’s how I think shen one shotted those guys
All her aura... gone
Hot Take? : If anyone’s going to take down Shen, it has to be Raian. He has the best narrative of every character because he shares the exact same power, making him the perfect endgame rival
Is the sub still alive?
Waka vs Kiryu (Both KAT), they both know each others techniques and styles, who wins?
I like making things up about people I disagree with
Apparently critical thinking has become endangered
losercity war
I'll see you in the Azure Skies my friend
How strong do you think Koga had gotten now?