Everything revealed in Discord for the new update!
Is there anyone who remembers this legendary ad where Sonic, Crash and Spyro all were at hospital?
What's the weirdest guest you've had show up to your wedding.
Who did you cast as the Fab Fairies?
What did they see? (Wrong answers only)
Last time did pretty well, I want to see what you’ve got this time.
Who did you marry? and why?
As a Hunter main, there's one thing about Warlock and Titan that's just unforgivable to me...
Wtf guys
Anyone else take an embarrasingly long time to figure out how to open these guys?
I prefer the old/pre 1.14 textures of the game, and it's NOT nostalgia talking, I do actually find them better looking
How often do you create characters with the opposite gender of your own in any Dragon age?
Did anyone know it was the Resolute going down here or did you find out later?
Which world does your favorite/main OC live in?
What is your favorite tree?
Do ya’ll name your children normal things?
Obliterate (Harry potter spoiler)
Why is this still showing the farm, Bungie?
What’s something about your Ocs that happened completely on accident?
How to make a Celestial healer build (cursed version)?
What's keeping you from logging in lately?
What I really hate about this game is the NPCs' assumptions...
I hate this arc
How would your characters reaction upon Seeing Flintier?