Pinterest what the hell. (That is a "bracelet")
[TW] how do i tell if im near, or nicked/ grazed a v3in, @rt3ri0le, or @rt3ry?
Will these scar? (Cat scratches)
How open are u about the fact that u sh?
is this infected and how deep is it
i got jumpscared oml
how do i shower without anyone seeing my cuts
10 days of healing
2024 - 2025
(TW SH) what is that?
I will never feel valid
which one of these is more dangerous?
does anyone know if these are infected? and how bad they will scar
first actual arteriole hit from a while ago
(blade) is this rust?
TikTok at it :/
okay wth
What layer is this? Is it still just a cat scratch?
i genuinely don't know whether to consider this a relapse or not
I feel invalid
How much sharper is a utility knife than a razor from a sharpener?
what will it look like when it fades?
how sharp would you say this is
TW self harm
how careful should i be?