What's good about BF 2042?
Big gameplay video 🎥
Leaked M249 Gameplay
Whats happening w BF4 servers?
New Gameplay in the Tank :)
Here's a futage of what it all looks like from the menu side, the boot, the screen, the start of the fight and the fighters in uniform is awesome.
32v32 Conquest BF6 Map?
Discussão entre Trump e Zelensky na Casa Branca
Should the next battlefield be S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?
This is a great map for the next battlefield game
Battlefield 6 artwork vibes
Stalker Radiophobia 3 ver.1.18 crash
Which modded stalker to play?
BF4 on a Saturday night.
My friends are shining holiness.
Images taken from the trailer
Textless version of the new concept art
Quem gosta mais de filmes de terror, homens ou mulheres?
BF4 pc sucks (not really) but keep getting kicked?
Eyes Wide Shut Amanda Question