Mikasa (Oroborus)
Stanley Forman’s famous photo Woman Falling From Fire Escape |1975, (1462x2048)
Do you lick the Cheeto dust off your fingers or do you just wash your hands?
How did you meet your most favourite partner?
AIO - other relatives not choosing sides
AIO because I found this in our bedroom after returning from trip?
Should I unfriend an old ex of mine?
AITA for asking the love of my life to focus on his career after fighting for him with my family
This Is Enzo. He Was Born With A Unique Genetic Mutation, Causing A Lil Black Freckle To Appear On His Face. Quite Possibly The Rarest Golden In The Universe.
Barriss Offee cream pie (bbcchan)
Who’s sign is this?
Thoughts on period sex?
What are you doing right now other then working
Is the male gender actually the most historically disadvantaged and oppressed, despite what feminists want us to believe?
AITAH for telling my step mom and dad stop having so many kids
Did I emasculate my husband?
AITA for not putting my classamet's names in the powerpoint?
No contact with my crazy mother
(19M) Starting a new life
What could be the reason for left-hand tingling?
What’s for breakfast?
What’s on your to-do list this week?
AITA for kicking my MIL out of my wife’s baby shower?
AIO to my boyfriend’s methods of keeping me safe? (UPDATE)