Any idea on what I can do with these granny squares ?
Est-ce que les animaux de jardinerie restent en permanence dans leur cage d'exposition ?
Glass Animals in Bridget Jones' movie?
Portez-vous vos boucles d'oreilles en permanence?
Vous avez acheté votre voiture neuve ou d'occasion ?
My mom sent me a picture of these heart flower plants, how many of these are AI ?
Took your suggestions! 🐘🥖
How do you decrease without having holes in your work?
ADHD/TDAH : vrai fléau ou excuse pour la majorité des gens ?
Rant :(
New to crochet and loving it. Having a tough time following a pattern. Is being a more chaotic crocheter a thing? Please share suggestions or resources
Just finished these flowers for my car 🌼
Looking for your suggestions ! Should I add rows for the pot? Should the vines be the same length or not?
Charlie the Dragon
Any ideas of things I can crochet for my car ?
I’ve just started crocheting and I’m having trouble understanding what the circled section means. The pattern is for a hat
Which is a 2nd stitch? I’m struggling to understand which stitch I’m supposed to put the needle into
Est ce que c'est normal d'être épuisé par tout à seulement 16 ans ?
Quelle est la série annulée que vous regrettez le plus ?
Is it normal that my amigurumi legs are not straight?
What does this mean ? 2 double crochets in the 1st stitch? Sounds obvious but can’t get my head around it 😂
Gentleman bandana for my friend's new dog
Quelles ressources pour aider mes grand-parents manipulé par un membre de la famille ?
Teddy bear for my mom's Christmas present !