We dont need PS6
If the map really resembles this at all, I'd definitely be very, very happy.
Official Discussion - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [SPOILERS]
The Ed Sheeran collab is called "Ex Sanguine Draculae"
Hello! Being a big fan of the Grand Theft Auto saga I made this cover of the game and I admit that it makes me want even more to have the real one in less than a year in my hands! I am now even more excited by the release of the game! What do you think?
PS6 SoC Design Complete, Next Xbox Specs Still Undecided: Rumor
Do you prefer the Garden Tower or Mechanical Tower?
Yesterday, I made the best Marketplace score of my life
I started replaying BioShock Infinite on the PS5 after playing it back when it came out. It might be unpopular but this is my favorite BioShock game. Still looks gorgeous after 11 years!
Which game blew you away with it's visuals?
After years of reading and hearing about this game I'm playing Shadow of the Colossus for the first time!
I've always been curious to play SotC because I hear good things about it. Today is the day.
Death is Not the End (the new song that didn't make it)
Anyone else obsessed with Room of Mirrors?
What DIDN'T you like about S&M2?
Which PS2 game do you remember the most?
That obscure childhood game
First time building a guitar
What is your favourite behind the scenes tidbit of the LOTR trilogy?
Which one would you play first?
Help I can't choose my favourite song😭😭
Should I stop for a day or two?
How do you feel about the war of Rohirrim being anime?
My small Tolkien book collection
A pretty good game even 11 years later.. (Tomb Raider 2013)