How are these easy? These are hard how can I improve my team…..
Auf welcher Mission ist dieser Mann für 4.5 Mio (Einkaufspreis)?
Who would you okay next to Maldini 92?
Ich liebe Körnigen Frischkäse mit Erdbeermarmelade auf Brot. Welche vergleichbaren und leckeren Kombinationen gibt es noch?
What kind of bug is this?
Show me your Pre-Tots/Shapshifter favorite card in the game! I’ll start in the commentS.
One thing I still don’t understand. Where does this contract boost come from?
Let’s see everyone’s Rat Score! Post your team and let the community decide if you’re 10/10 Rat!
Upgrades for 550.000? Need De Paul for Gomez chem sadly.
Gold Messi anyone?
Not a TOTS but I’ll take that anyway I guess
Welchen Comedian bringt euch bis auf Mario Barth so gar nicht zum Lachen?
What do these players have in common? First one that gets it right, can chose one of my dupes (even if those are not the best lol)
Boris Pistorious: "Die Ukraine muss diesen Krieg gewinnen"
US-Präsident bot Putin im Januar diesen Jahres, 20 Prozent der Ukraine für Frieden an.
EA just loves to give out CFs in draft - just wish there was a position change option
From the 2 81 Overall pack. First ever TOTY I pack
I have everyone in that range except gold mbappe, why he doesn’t show up??
Win streak record?
What was your first ultimate team and what are your fondest memories? Gaming Nostalgia!
Do i have the best backline in the game?
All against AI. Shits just unfair. Lost 6 in a row. Packs are, at least for me, not really balanced.