Amitabh Bachchan buys 54,454 sq ft land in Ayodhya 10 km away from Ram Mandir: Report
Hindu tattoos
“Polygamy is made to benefit women”
Need advice!! She randomly got in my house with her infants
TIL Lobsters urinate from their face. They also piss on each other's face to communicate social status
Listen to the words they’re actually saying.
Very normal indian shops
This shook me
I miss 12" Macbook! Even if it returns as Macbook Air SE with M1, day one for me!
Transgenders extorted and forced my wife to pay 50 Rs in Sony signal
My contacts turned green overnight
Max the Boom-Axe
Not pirate, they're selling street food on a running cruise
Am I the only one disturbed by this.
Can he play the piano?
Indian Army stumbling upon a religious preacher meditating in Siachen, the coldest glacier in the world.
After 90 hours a week comment, L&T chairman SN Subrahmanyan now announces ‘one day menstrual leave
Employer Filed False Case Against Me for Standing Up for Rights – Need Advice!
What's something that women think is attractive, but most men actually hate?
Even the slightest thing can disrupt perfect harmony.
Foreign devotee of Lord Jagannath apologizes after facing backlash for having Lord Jagannath's tattoo on her thigh, tattoo artist and shop owner arrested. Thoughts?
TIL that in the Pirahã language, speakers must use a suffix that indicates the source of their information: hearsay, circumstantial evidence, personal observation, etc. They cannot be ambiguous about the evidentiality of their utterances.
Rude Compounds on Reddit
Still struggling with concept of sin
If you were in Gandhi's shoes (and if you also had to power to control other Congress leaders such as Nehru), what would you have done differently to prevent the partition of the original united India (and also any future separatist movements/insurgencies)?