What is the coolest full art card and why is it Alakazam
On heart transplants
I have 1957 cards, and these are the ones I still need. What cards are you chasing?
Yummy meta
I'm not addicted! YOU'RE addicted!
What's your opinions on Lickitung?
Did you play your first Pokémon game on a Gameboy or a DS??
Kinda agree
New Expansion: Space-Time Smackdown!
If Dialga represents time, Palkia represents space and Giratina represents matter/antimatter, then what represents energy?
I saw this and instantly thought of libright's poem
We ended affirmative action but also kind of hurt gay rights
I'm stumped, bros
No LibRight, not again!
Reckon I’ll be able to redeem these?
Mars man bad.
Favorite Bob?
What rumor was spread worldwide before the internet?
The tri force of fairy tail
The Trump family learns they can scam their own base and suffer absolutely no consequences
Where is Red? :(
Instead of 100 posts complaining about the tickets going to waste, let's see who can collect the most before the event ends.
if you could assign pokemon a musical instrument to play in a band, what would you give them?
Why do you not drink alcohol?