Elon's weird behavior at Donald Trump's inauguration.
Imagine being such a big narcissistic person that you do the nazi salute live on TV
Politics and how y pi should properly handle them
My 1st ever build
I know what you saw
What is the name of this instrument (wrong answers only)
Is there a way I can set the spawn point for the world?
What song are you playing?
heard some fans were homophobic
Looking for Group.
Remade the mountain from yesterday but i feel the dirt part at the top looks bland, how can i make it better ?
If you were on the Cipher Wheel what do you think your symbol would be?
Give me a letter and I will give a song from my playlist :3 (pic unrelataded)
What do you think I should add to my building?
I got tipped this at my job today
Is he just trolling us?
Please critique this build!
my gf got pregnant from my bf..
Be honest, which side would win?
How many life sentences would he get?
Is our wall enough to keep out mobs?
Keep this Pedophile out of the White House.
My 8 year old daughter's Minecraft build (she continues to amaze me)