Why is Iron Maiden’s Twilight Zone not on Spotify?
How Much Does Caseoh Really Weigh?
What is going on??? Seen above I75 south.
What’s your favorite song from the blaze era
why is there so much hate on no prayer for the dying?
Charlie should have been on the 400th special
Who would win?
What is your “I did not care for the Godfather” of Teen Titans?
Iron Maiden circa 1994
I can not be the only one to see the similarity
What song has James’s best vocal performance in you opinion
Haven't done a community vote for a minute so let's steal something from the Judas Priest subreddit and get started with the most underrated Dio song!
The people has spoken. Deja vu, most underrated song! DAY 2: Most overrated song.
What should we name this thing?
Favorite song from Best of the B’Sides
Maxwell's Silver Hammer, anyone? (John was staying out of it.)
What character you defending like this?
Okay, what’s your least favorite Steely Dan song?
Which Eddie is your favorite Eddie?
Wrong answer only
What songs have this?
What DIO song?
Netflix is about to piss me and a lot of people off.
Choose 1 album per row
Whats a Beatles Album that is a flop that has a lot of songs you dont like