What’s your Myers-Briggs personality type?
what is your initial reaction when someone compliments you?
Is everyone chill?
What do you think of pictures like this?
It’s my birthday today.
I just...cbf rn
How does Autism effect your life/relationships?
You guys have saved my life.
After 30 years of marriage, I discovered something huge.
I just cbf...
Do verbal instructions work for you? I would always rather have them in writing.
My response to 'Everyone's a little autistic...
Whats you guys opinion on this type of humour?
Autism and substance abuse
What is your reaction when someone calls you beautiful?
I baked cookies today and they look perfect. I used an ice cream scoop to get perfectly sized cookies. I love how pretty they turned out. I'm definitely going to use an ice cream scoop for future cookies.
My little owl
DAE get told they were an old soul?
Hyper fixation
TRIGGER WARNING (?) I (20f) was on a call with my boyfriend (20m) and he said something that is making me reconsider things.
Unhinged when drunk
How risk-averse are you on a scale of reckless to over-cautious?
Autism fashion thread... what are you wearing today?