What is the best and easy to use free DAW to make music?
dont be like this sh*tty loser, and i got banned for 7 days cause of it
What’s Pierce the Veil’s heaviest song?
best enchants for CDK? (legendary scroll only cause im broke)
should i change my yeti fruit?
Does anyone remember the sentinel having more than one seat, or is it just a mandela effect?
Does anyone have the tabs for Where The Heart Is by Sweet Pill (full song)
Is Sweet Pill emo?
What haircut should i get?
People who let their instrusive thoughts win once, what did you do?
Planning to quit this game once and for all
Describe a fruit poorly and ill guess it
Non-emo songs that are apart of your rotation?
Just quit the game, im free!
Need help getting into emo
next holy fawn release is gonna fuck
songs with a *clap clap* in them
What are the chances of this happening all the time?
What’re the best songs to learn barre chords?
Why does this keep happening?
Do you guys recommend an EQ pedal for clean tone?
Do i need a compressor pedal for math rock/midwest emo?
Fisch Macro