How do I (26F) explain to my boyfriend (29M) why I didn't tell him the proper pronunciation of my name?
Should I let go of him?
(29F) Unspoken Resentment/Insecurity Towards Boyfriend due to Bluntness after Sex
What’s going on with my dogs paws??
My dog does this after eating, any ideas?
What’s wrong with her eye?
Stray kitten with mass on eye
Good food brands?
is my cat a male or female?
Looking for opinions on my cat’s face scabbing/sores (warning pictures are a little gross)
Help is this asthma or hairball?? or something else pls help im worried about my baby
Boyfriend left me by a note to move across the country
Is it cool if I ask an old TA out?
How to get out of having to buy a meal plan?