What bands do the younger generation listen to?
Day 29 - Fist Wrapped In Blood vs. The Altar/Mary
Säger ni tack efter oralsex?
Silverstein Song just with Emojis
Best european show?
Hit KSH This Weekend, it's really bad out here.
Sådärja! Midsommar inställt igen
Borde man sluta dricka?
PSA: How to turn your Custom mode back into Honour mode
535 engineers??
Why does half of the ice monkey sprites look like hes constantly in absolute misery.
Ger 100000 för en biltema korvhatt
Bcecynep NINJA, Guild name "I Hate You"
Gold farm for 53 Mage
I found what seems to be some kind of locked instance portal in Winterspring, does anyone know what it is ?
LPT: Put some cat litter in the bottom of your trash can before you put a liner or bag in, that way if a bag leaks the cat litter will help absorb the liquid making it much easier to deal with.
You get teleported 3 meters to your left. How does that change your life ?
Why is it funny?
throw back to legion when a friend got a legendary :-)
TBT to one of her first not-a-minor-anymore shoot (HQ)
370 Azerite gear from Emissaries is LIVE
Blizzard, scrap Azerite gear and just give us tier sets back.
Got 370 shoulders from the Warfront cache, but they're a downgrade over my 325 shoulders because I don't have any traits unlocked. This does not feel good.