Couldn't have said it better my self 👌🏾
Trump: "We’re going to take in hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and we’re going to become so rich, you’re not going to know where to spend the money"
After Delays, Dr. Umar Johnson ‘Finally’ Sets An Opening Date For His School For Black Boys
"62 Buildings All Mine" Floyd Mayweather Buys An Entire Block In Manhattan For $402 Million
What is happening in this world
Which were the defining works of art and/or culture of the Obama Era?
Elon Musk claims the left on Reddit him want him dead
Winter 2019, moments before disaster
J Cole has some of the most delusional fans in hip hop
Today I got banned…
David Benavidez Warns Canelo That Terence Crawford Can Beat Him & This Is The Reason Why
Guess how old I am based on pictures that make me nostalgic
Guys im barely making it😥
Thoughts on songs of the decade?
LeBron James confronts Stephen A. Smith during last night’s game
I've never seen this man get angry like this
Dr. Umar is Not a “Grifter”. If you believe so, You’re either offended or mentally defeated
"Feein for Snowbunnies" Umar Johnson
Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett with a look of total disgust on her face when seeing Trump
Type me based off of my YouTube Videos (ILI, LIE, or SLI?)
YB ruined my highschool life
Racist Roar
Kamala spoke to Us, on her latest Breakfast Club Interview
"Try Doing Something"