Photos of a house for sale in Zanesville, Ohio.
LPT: if you’ve made payments starting March 2020 on your federal student loans, you can request a refund. Since the Biden-Harris student loan forgiveness was announced, federal student loan websites are allowing refund requests.
Better Call Saul S06E13 - [Series Finale] "Saul Gone" - Post-Episode Discussion Thread
Better Call Saul S06E13 - [Series Finale] "Saul Gone" - LIVE-Episode Discussion Thread
I’m starting to get tired of it 😏
Complete opposites
Complete opposite
I’ve built an external resources utilization monitor for my laptop powered by RPi Pico
$7.11 at Seven Eleven
$7.11 at seven eleven
She only uses her paw when it’s fresh water.
Idiots Outside Cars, again
How late can I realistically overseed? 6b
🔥 a lioness watching over her cub
Alone with company!
Cats being mean
Real life representation of my tm8’s
[SW] Nooklings buying 529 per turnip!
[SW] Timmy and Tommy selling for 466
Ya filthy animal
[SW] Nook Twins Buying for 411.
Let’s all go to West Virginia
Blursed inspiration