Which Anime Made You Look up Source Material
Out of all the bosses we've seen so far, which fight do you think will be the best?
Do you think the game will still be alive after wilds
Rolling up to morning rounds with the one emotional support attending
How you wave when you are playing path of exiles while at the inauguration
Need advice regarding time management with lectures + anki
I recorded myself instantly losing $500k of my grandpa’s money
average neurotypical when you’re not ashamed of your autism
Monsters can Smell?
Does anyone else just despise the research base
New player, just had an amazing experience here.
Never Give Up! From Failure to Top Medical Student 🧑🏻🎓
Wondering what pace y'all are doing your cards at?
Seriously...They're Everywhere
Today’s my 28 birthday and I am going to end it tomorrow
At this point I'm done. I don't even want to buy the game when it releases. The devs have done it.
The new Anking BnB tags are far too much
"Why GenZ men don't approach women anymore? Don't tell me they are afraid of girls saying 'No'". No, we're afraid of getting roasted online in front of millions by the girl who said "no"
When did you have "enough" of this game?
What Made You Choose Your Med School?
Is clinical easier than preclinical?
Screw favorite arc, give me your top 3 least favorite arc.
I still didn't see anyone talking about this possibility
Anking Boards and Beyond deck has Step 2 cards now?
I made “friends” with the wrong people