I think I’m in an emotionally abusive relationship
Being a good person ?
Take me away from this gender hell
Birth rate decline does not increase chances of labour shortage
Damm i cant stop thinking about this girl i just sat next to today at school
It’s not that complicated. It’s birth control.
Was Abbey an informant? Does her necklace here say "sober rat"? I really tried to see a "b" at the beginning, but it looks like "rat" to me. 🤷🏿
Under discussed topic: People who would have children if they had somebody to have children with.
Is independent thought dead?
I hate clothes so much
Nearly every single person who complains about DEI Hires has no understanding of what a diversity hire actually is
"It's only creepy because you don't find him attractive"
Tachycardia episode after eating after small workout ? (stretching, yoga...)
Please look into Dr. Joe Dispenza
Ramtha's School of Enlightenment - Looking for more info
Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada is being sued for abuse:
Poor Myla
What's the deal with Bridget James Ling
Triggering Topic Re: Violence
When clients command you to do things?
Is it ever difficult?
Does anyone else’s parents try to keep them as infantilized as possible?
What kind of music do y'all think she'll be writing in 5 years & 10 years time, if at all?
Watching the Narc next door and her daughter waste away is heartbreaking