Daniel Jeremiah mock draft 2.0 - Chargers history
What's something slowly killing us that society just pretends isn't a problem?
True or nah?
So sick of having to choose between family and S/O
Watching Pats VS Bolts 2006 - That game ISN'T on Marlon McCree
Aitah for kinda wanting to see social security be removed?
America isn't united by racism, it's divided by it. That may be a strength against racially motivated fascism.
What’s Your Hottest Take on the 2025 Draft Class?
Not sure what happened
What movies are so generic it’s painful?
Who is your Running Back draft crush this year?
Let me hear your way too early, boldest takes for next season.
Is Chuba Hubbard underrated?
Ever Watched a Movie on a Whim and Got Blown Away?
What made you realize you're not young anymore?
Do you enjoy going down on women?
What went wrong
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received and that you still follow?
What's the best advice you ever received?
I hit someone tonight
How do you feel about Tet McMillan?
Why is Governor Newsom such a divisive figure?
25f. I don't want to work a job. I don't want to turn my passion into work. Basically i don't have the drive to do anything as if now. I have some savings that may last me for maybe 6 more months.
Robert M., one of hundreds of Philadelphia IRS workers laid off this week, previously supported President Trump. "I thought that someone with, like, his business acumen would have come in with a fine-tooth comb," he said.