Could anyone possibly guess why I had a big smile on my face during these moments of the game? (potential spoilers for those who haven’t progressed past the vatican!)
Did they buff the aim assist?
This PMO bro 🙏🙏🙏
Drop your hot takes
With just a week left i’d like to know what you thought of S8!
Should I have dodged that?
Bagging a froppy as strike kiri.. good stuff man!!
me if I have to play on USJ one more fucking time
I feel like their popularity has branched out of the game itself
Giving away a sv popstar chica cuz I'm bored
Nah I’d adapt
Be honest, which one is you?
something something leave PC out of crossplay
I like mhur but icl, the roster is really lacking
Sorry but Your Performance Ends With A Snap.
Strike Dabi Getting A 3rd Beta Next Season Confirmed! Let's GOOOOOOO
Can someone help me get through this door?
season ends in 2 weeks, what do you guys want for season 9?
Utilizing the element of surprise to beat Nejire
Oh…that’s just death
Least irritating toga player
Last note I need for the vatican.. anyone know how to get there?
Do strike dabi players only know one button????