Anybody else get major Sharn vibes from The 5th Element’s NYC?
[ONLINE][5thEd][EST] Alternate Tuesdays 7:00pm - Curse of Strahd - 🎭Roleplay Heavy ⚔Challenging Combat 💖Friendly and Inclusive! 👴18+ 🧛😱🧛 Heavy Horror Vibes
[ONLINE][5thEd][EST] Alternate Fridays 7:00pm Curse of Strahd - 🎭Roleplay Heavy ⚔Challenging Combat 💖Friendly and Inclusive! 👴18+ 🧛😱🧛 Heavy Horror Vibes
FREE Licenses for Everyday Heroes on Foundry
Help putting together a cohesive long-form Sharn Campaign.
Heavy guy looking for Any advice on adjustable bed or big wide well built recliner. Sleep number 360 any good?
{The Griffon's Saddlebag} Clash at Kobold Cauldron
What, if any, racial restrictions have you implemented for your players in Barovia?
I spend 300+ hours build this map pack for Curse of Strahd. I hope you enjoy it (It's free)
My Lanfear cosplay at Dragoncon 2024
Is it better to put powerful vassals or competent people on the council?
Today they enter the mists!
Which VO platforms have gotten you the most work/money?
Struggling to define my current role in industry standard terms
A MAMMOTH 5E GIVEAWAY! Behold, The Hoard of Ghaundal - 8 Foundry-ready, high quality, playtested adventures worth over 100$. Just leave a comment in the next 48 hours for a chance to win! [Full rules in the comments]
[Online] [5thEd] [-5 UTC] [Campaign] [Sundays] [LGBT+ FRIENDLY] [HORROR] [18+] [RP HEAVY] Cruse of Strahd on HONOR MODE!!!
Can the Masque of the Red Death survive Strahd?
What makes Strahd *Lawful* Evil?
[DND5E] House of Lament | Foundry Module | Jared Blando Maps
House of Lament | Foundry Module | Jared Blando Maps
Ideas for replacing Death House with House of Lament
Tweaks I made to House of Lament that my players loved
[No Spoilers] Anyone else think the chairs look uncomfortable after a while?
How long did it take you to run CoS?
Looking for ideas on running a manhunt with guards searching for the players