this feels related idk why
Blacked out and spent $700. How did I do?
Fun fact: Damage caps out at 990
Morning shift passing over my station empty, messy and with no prep. Is "we've been busy" a legitimate excuse.
What fantasy world would you want to live in if you had the option to move to that world?
My cheez-it has a mustache
Are isopods the smallest animals kept as pets?
This popped up in my photo memories from when I was a line cook... Good times
Never seen this trick
Whats happend to my shrimp
I've been working on this playmat for weeks and then they go and drop a new play aid mechanic
My Monarch Token (circa 1925)
You're making burgers. Which one are you grabbing?
Thoughts on Mexico being ranked #3, and the only Latin American country in the top 10?
Mexico 🇲🇽 is the only Latin American country in the list of the best 10 cuisines in the world. Well deserved?
I want to build a casual commander deck, but I’m indecisive. Top comment picks the commander.
Does anyone think we will see a day where shivan dragon gets printed as uncommon or is he too iconic?
No trespassing
The amount of sauce my sibling leaves over
Brand new vs 5 plus years of daily use
Filthy pigs everywhere
Stocking ideas
Question about coralline growth
Didn’t know these snake plants flowered so beautifully
What's a celebrity death you remember that hit you hard?