How to get the party to be more proactive and independent?
Player wants to ditch party
Love the campaign, hate one of the players
How do you handle "impossible" tasks?
Does DMing ever make you feel dumb?
Player is driving me insane
How do you come up with a plot?
How to get my players to hate the BBEG
How do you plan ahead what you will do as DM in combat?
Losing interest in campaign
Is it fair to ask one of my players to work more on their backstory?
How can villain defeat interrogation?
How to Monologue
How to avoid / deal with heavy lore-dumping sessions
Need Backstory Inspiration: Attacked by what Monster?
How do you move forward from losing your PC?
Would Restarting the battle be cool or rage educing?
NPC backstory ideas for a murder mystery
Sick Player Stalling the Game
Level 15 adventurers have hired mercenaries and it has turned into a micro manage hell... FML
What should I give to my player who's character is blind son they can help in combat more
Combat Insight
Running a villain that can see the future
[Online][5e or DC20][EST] Running a One shot That May Lead to a Longer Campaign