New UK & Ireland Regions 2025
my ancestors didn’t travel very much i guess
New historical match: African in colonial Mexico
Something funky is going on…
Where is the West African DNA from?
23andMe vs Ancestry (Black American)
Donuts of my closest matches as an African American with Appalachian heritage
Low-quality post: Two tests taken a couple years part. 🇭🇹
Wilks County, Georgia. Last will & testament of an enslaver
Black Americans, what African regions do you get?
Results via African American Mom and Bi-Racial Dad.
My results and the interesting backstory…
African American born in Charleston SC (photos at end )
What does your ancestry time line look like (23 &me feature)
Afro or Cornrows
Shadowheart by @Useless_Elf
Tiktok Irish curls/ Appalachian hair/ Melungeon hair
Black American Results 🇺🇸
White American results + pic
What's your strongest genetic relationship to a historical match?
European Diaspora for AA’s
Results are in!!
what I’ve thought and what I got
How it feels to be a non-Indigenous and non-Hispanic/Latin person with even a smidge of Indigenous American DNA on a sub where so many are obsessed with having it
Offerings to the Swannanoa I came across last month