Ayo Black men: What is/are something/s you want black women to know, and what is something you want to ask black women?
Even after reading and watching 100s of vampire material BLADE is still the coolest vamp to me.
Alex Fans RN
For me, Batman:Begins 2005 is not only the best Batman movie, but also the best movie from Nolan trilogy.
I still wana see catman in live action, maybe as an opening villian in a batman movie.
What are they making the old amc on stevenson into
What is your experience in being law enforcement?
Who should play Black panther in upcomimg films.
Check out my Batman 89 build on injustice 2.
Have you ever been to a gentlemen’s club? What was your experience?
How many times can you rep 135 on the bench press?
Whats your body count and what do you think is the realistic amount of bodies people have?
How do you live with a woman?
Our boy sammy is back. 😂
I no black, I'm ......
Anal sex is destroying my marriage
Finally lowered BP (Valsartan)
My guys in serious relationships or married, did you meet your partner at your Peak or your Low point?
Them FBA niggas so annoying bruh.
Has anyone had success on dating apps?
Thinking about becoming a personal trainer on the side, whats the process as quick as possible?
People was blaming the dad as people are always blaming us. But ALWAYS knew she was the problem.
What movie is this? I never seen richard pryor this angry🤣