Space marine 2 campaign co op lfg
[PS5] W: dancer dress altered H: karma
[PS5] W: Millicent Prosthesis, lord of blood exultation H: karma, mule or ask
[PS5] W: Rotten Winged Sword,Millicent Prosthesis H: karma, ask
[PS5] W: moonvail+10 H: karma, mule or ask
[PS5] W: Night armor or Death Knight armor H: +karma, mule or ask
[PS5] W: runes H: + karma, mule or ask
PS5 impenetrable thorns
[PS5] W: maternal staff H: +karma,ask
[PS5] W: rotten winged sword insignia and or millicent’s prosthesis H: +karma, ask
[PC] H: Every item, including DLC; W: You to be happy
[Ps5] H: most base game items and most dlc weapons, NO RUNES. W: read description.
[PS5] W: impenetrable thorns H: + karma, ask
[Ps5] W: talismans, H: +karma or ask
Game keeps crashing
Anyone have malenia prosthesis and lord of blood's exultation talismans PS4
Please don't release a catalyst for Conditional Finality
PS4 W: lord runes H: ask
PS4 anyone have any extra runes
Anyone have gravel stone seal+25 and or runes PS4
Artifact set and team discussion