Has anyone complained about mercy’s perks yet?
How do we feel about flashheal
so, no dragoon?( >Д<;)
There's a chance you can get widows winter chic skin from last year (if you missed it)
When I heard this ult voiceline, I almost spilled my coffee on the keyboard.
Ultimate Perk combo
Loot Boxes
Now, with the Perk System you can easily see who's throwing the game by choosing awful perks!
If you can change on thing about Mercy’s kit what will it be
Unpopular opinions on some mercy skins
What mercy skin do you wish would return?
Why is Mercy so hated?
Some news about the rainy day skins Mercy will be free when you login!
I found this in the shop. It kinda confirms she was meant to be in the normal one but pulled her to the $40 bundle. I don't remember seeing a reasoning behind it either
Patch notes - Chinese translation
Perks are approaching: Meta predictions
What are your thoughts on your main’s perks?
Skins for the new mythic?
Kinda disappointed with mercy perks
Black Widow needs a buff, big time.
What balance changes are you hoping to see in the incoming patch ?
PC Gamers, do you think this'll solve the crashes?
If Until Dawn were to have a book re-telling, what ending would you pick for it?
The Forgotten Skin
Have you re-mapped your crouch/ctrl?
You can only wear 1 skin, what is it?