Tentando entender a perspectiva, Vale apena finalizar?
Vou desenhar tudo que vocês quiserem e vou anotar os nomes das pessoas
Alguns dos meus desenhos favoritos dos últimos quatro meses, o que acham?
Vcs poderiam julgar minha evolucão?
assumptions about the end of the manga
Why is no one talking abt this?? (Ch 75)
Oq minhas waifus dizem sobre mim?
Só assim mesmo
Hanako drawing :3 - (Slight content/trigger warning: blood (not much, but just want to give a warning))
Eu fiz um novo personagem seu nome é Ares.. Queria uma ajuda para ver no que mais poderia melhorar//arrumar..
The cat In real life :0
What is the saddest arc for you?
Time to summon hanako!
Finished!! This is how my tbhk style art turned out!
Going to cry when these panels are animated.
Maomao and Jinshi fanart by me
I'm going to start "training" to be able to draw in tbhk's style!
Name a song that best describes your favorite character!
My friend did this ☠️
Which of these groups would be the winner!?
If you were born into one of these families, which one would it be and why?
This is the best representation of the anime 😭✊
Changing personality
Work in progress, Mysteries
Anime ship polls