Men do you swipe left on dating apps, when you see this statement?
Im a 5'2 woman. Short men dont approach me
If I workout 4 days a week can I still get big?
Sojourn should be a 225 hp hero
Former skinny people of Reddit, what's the worst thing about getting fat?
The amount of people who throw when their tank plays Ball is insane
Don’t ever feel silly doing light weight in the gym
Is Mauaga absolutely amazing now?
Who will have the better career when it’s all said and done?
What celebrity is facially attractive to a lot of people but you just can’t see it?
ball has far too much health
The amount of flame I get for simply playing Doomfist is absurd
Do you workout consistently at the gym?
Real good chicken tenders
Made new Moira perks because I don't really like the current ones
What’s one tax deduction people always forget?
Thought I cooked, but still dateless
They weren't kidding when they said "rapidly heal yourself"
How much coffee will get me fired
The biggest perk outliers currently
Am I high or is the perk system actually the smartest solution
Feeling really bad about perks
Bought My First Wii for $5! What games should I get?
Most sane way to get to 50 charge hours per week?