Jim croce
Finally got to easily swatch out all the ink I own after getting this new glass dip pen!
Which movie has the best example of unnecessary nudity
What would you say are the most esoteric/occult/philosophical episodes?
The Best Day Of My Life
Some anniversary presents from my girlfriend
Anyone else wish they finished these?
Both Christopher Nolan and Toni Collette famously hold Talladega Nights in high regard. What other comedies, sometimes considered “lowbrow”, do you rank highly?
Need only one Frame to Find the movie
You're in Ooo for the day, what do you do, where do you go, who do you hang with?
Strong movies by a first time director?
Any Kingdoms/Locations you'd have liked to see more of?
Which House/Kingdom in Ooo would you most want to live in?
Which show had the most impact on cartoons in general?
A movie you went into with *zero* expectations but ended up loving.
Who’s your favourite supporting actor/actress?
A character you thought would recur more frequently?
Who is the saddest movie character?
What movie poster made you watch that movie? I’ll start.
What movie has a lower average score than you thought?
Online stores
Who in my family has the best favourite Movie
My collection so far (I Hate Cases)
The Key to Being Found