Who is this cool dude? Chennai, Tamil Nadu
A marijuana dispensary owner at my city council asking for more regulations because he doesnt want competition
A Centipede and Slug Maybe? Tamil Nadu, India
I Don’t Know What This Little Guy is Called
Stolen valor on TikTok live you can’t make this shit up 😭😂😆
Today was a good day. I found a relic I thought was long lost, hidden in the deepest crevice in my vehicle. I’d still buy a new one though if Git Em finally got with his zippo guy.
Look what finally arrived today! 😍🤤
Walt is asking for your favorite jokes, moments or episodes for a special TESD Episode.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is going live on Twitch at 8:30pm to discuss GameStop, retail trading, and whatever the fuck the major firms imagine they're doing right now
How I convinced >40 contacts to move to signal - The ultimate switching to Signal guide
I really like this app
Signal down?
Is anyone else getting delayed messages?
Today Years Old when I realized Mrs McMurray was Wynona Earp 🤯
Myself in London right after being discharged from the ROK army
Signal here. Excited to have our first AMA.
Foam Face
Feebas Math
Restoring previous groups
I Choose You
Me, an intellectual:
Group Members