Ranked Mission VIP Chest
The Capital peak centre pointer isn't centered?
Did you know there is Supercell's head office reference in cross over scenery
[Unknown Source] Next month all Chinese capital gold bots are being banned and u could only donate gold with 50 members in a week
I've never seen an offer this cheap
The excitement is really fade away.
I wish I was active
My attempt at making c.o.o.k.i.e.
What's the point of VPN in this game?
Remove the remove button
This guy attacked me with 120… wall breakers?
Which hero pet would you want as a pet in real life?
Why don't she break the joint wall?
He joined just to greet us
In case anybody missed the free gift:
Should I Try Drinking 🍺?
He really predicted the future
We don't take non serious members in clan. (this is a clan advertisement)
Supercell I don't want a gift just don't nerf this equipment as a Christmas gift.
Just realized that any clash creator has not talked about this 1 chest shi
Gauntlet or frozen arrow
To all the people defending supercell
Only few hours left for this secret suprise 👀👀
Another day, Another reason that why a guy should avoid marriage !
Thanks for the common chest supercell! 😍😍😍