How would you broadly describe the history of the United States of America to a completely oblivious person? Where would you start and which approach would you take?
The citadel in season 8 (via Rick and Morty instagram)
She truly is Rick's daughter
Де знайомитись в Києві?
Ну шо, пацани
What ideas do you guys have?
Banned from ChatGPT for role playing?
Tips for Sloop Hunting?
This is why I quit the first time I played
Please recommend a game to walk through the cities
Робота онлайн
Turbo Heavy Fuel while already Nitro Rocket Fuel unlocked?
Holyyy shit...The Hole episode hits different. (Btw is there is any other show have an episodes like this?)
Just a reminder that our current Jerry is not the one who met Doofus Rick and the one who did is dead
I adore Thief and Thief 2. Have they ever been surpassed by other stealth games?
Pipes and fluid buffer flow rates
Rick’s Room vs Morty’s Room
Talk me down from the ledge
I was today n* hundred hours old, when I realized...
what's your first thought about severance?
Did Dooku ever consider killing Maul after his return to the galaxy during the clone wars to avenge Qui Gon?
NSFW Stories
У мене HPPD (стійкий галюциногенний розлад сприйняття спричинений психоделіками). Питайте що хочете (якщо цікаво). Можливо це допоможе комусь уникнути проблем.
I created a Seth Milchick ChatGT model