Sad News about OG 1st person knife kills
SP 500
Alright which one of you did this
New DS2 Snake Inspired Character
2042 is not bad actually
BF6 does not appear to be a return to form
As a BF3 / BF4 veteran, I don't like it..
Getting shot by an bolt action sniper will send you flying
Are there any BF Labs leaks of Recon/Sniper gameplay?
cus some of ya'll apparently need a reminder
First look at the new UI
Why are all playing with a Controller in the leaked Videos?
[Meme] Me refreshing the "new" tab for gameplay
Leak gameplay
Malta que ganha bem, sem faculdade, em que trabalham?
Não bastava apenas o mercado estar a vermelho…
É para investir de volta no SP500?
Software developer
S&P 500 / EUA
Quando na segunda os mercados abrirem, preparem-se para uma venda em massa de ações e etf com empresas americanas. Europeus OUT.
I played it at an on-site playtest today.
[Concept] HUD for the next Battlefield game
Throwing what seems to look like swords into the air
Have you seen that screen pic from the vid?
Help MSI Optix MAG27CQ Dual Monitor Issue – Screen Distortion When Both Are On