Truck cover! (Not a good cover)
God´s Blood machines - Mechanoids
It's Over. Randy won.
Impid Bountyhunter [OC]
The mod we all need
You lot continue to surprise me.
A choise has been made
Could be useful.
"Stupid raider, I will not going to clean this mess"
How do you guys moderate your Rimworld addiction 🙈?
The Scyther vs Europa
[ RimWorld Mechanoids Remodeled part 2]
First time playing combat extended! Anything tips I should know before I inevitably regret playing this mod?
Arrival 1/2 - Mechanoids
Rimworld 4koma #8 (Life On the Trail [1])
I wish I lived here (ignore the bathroom, not enough tech yet)
My first colonists! (Art by me)
Valentine drawing
(183) Warm storage
Returned to playing Kenshi after a few years, feels good to be back [by me]
My main pawns from different runs!
My favorite pawns!! + Mod recommendation (?)
Sketches of my current run pawns
Rimworld 4Koma #7 (Transport)
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