/r/PTCGP Trading Post
[PS4] [W] souls [h] +karma
[PS4] W: Quick Mule H: Souls
[PS4] W: Souls or Crystal sage rapier H: Ask
(PS4) W: +0 chaos thrall axe H: mule and karma
[PS4] W: Rings H: Karma/Souls
[ps4]W:All rings H:ask
DS3 servers down?
[ps4] need all +1 +2 +3 rings.
PS5/4 DS3 can someone give me a Crystal Sage Rapier? i can duplicate and give it back
ps5 - help with loretta
pleaseee ps4
[PSX] W: Magic Scorpion Charm // H: Runes or Karma
[Psx] H:giveaway W:customers
Need help with Mohg in the sewer ps5
(Ps5) W: Full character mule, H: large amount of runes
W: maxed magma blade H: runes, mule, karma, ask [PS5]
PS5 H: Everything W: Nothin
PSX W: Small Mule H: Most Items